
I'm Romel Indemne

I am a Dubai-based web developer and web designer with over seven years of experience deploying and maintaining websites and web applications across different industries. Holding a Computer Science degree, I utilize Laravel, Codeigniter, React JS, Vue JS and Wordpress. I am a passionate PHP and Javascript developer, determined to deliver great results and client satisfaction.

#06 years of

Web Development

PHP and JavaScript are two programming languages that I use to create dynamic and interactive web applications. Putting my logical thinking and creativity cap on, to attain the best output and guarantee user satisfaction.


I develop the layout, interfaces, graphics, and other cosmetics of the front-end. I use React JS or Vue JS which helps me create an efficient and effective design that maximizes the user experience.


I have a diverse set of skills, ranging from programming languages all the way to design. Designing from wireframe, user experience up to mockup design. I enjoy using tools such as Adobe photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe XD.

More about me

"How amazing it is to create something from a string of words."

My passion for coding didn't stop after obtaining my degree in Computer Science. Knowing that IT is a very fast-paced environment, I knew I needed to invest in continuous learning, and further hone my mastery in Web development.

Over the years, my skills continuously improve at each project. First, the hard skills, which refer to the technical aspect. I am knowledgeable in using PHP and JavaScript, and continuously learning more. Second, the soft skills, which refer to my interpersonal skills. I have developed my communication, flexibility, time management and collaboration with clients and team members.


Technology Stack

A lot of languages can be used to develop a website. Here's a list of platforms I use:

React Js
Vue Js
Node Js


Latest Blog

Every experience I earn at every project makes me learn a new thing or two. I share my knowledge through writing blogs when I'm not writing code. Check out some of my posts here.

Useful Flutter commands
Useful Flutter commands

1. Clear Application Cache flutter create app_name 2. Run Flutter flutter run 3. Install Flutter packages flutter packages get

Let's make something amazing together.

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